The first day went pretty good, better then I thought it would anyway. I didn't set the house on fire, I didn't yell to much at Evan, and I didn't really lose my mind. The only hard part came at about 3pm when Evan started getting mouthy. I did try my very best not to get mouthy back. Just you wait till they can talk back ladies. The first time they actually scream "NO" in your face your patience gets very thin, very fast. So there was some voice raising during time outs when he just wouldn't stay in time out. I even physically had to sit him back down on the floor. Lets face it mom's we can't be perfect all the time. I knew it's because Evan was getting tired, and after about 2 or 3 days of in the house time, he starts to get a little grumpy. He's a mover and a shaker so I can't blame him to much. I feel like the walls are closing in on my after 2 days without going out, so I can't understand the need. I do have to say this is normal, nothing new for him, his character hasn't changed since Davin's arrival. He's actually rather patient when it comes to the time I have to spend with baby so far...well as patient as a 3 year could be anyway. The time from 3pm till Earl gets home is when it got really bad. I got a splitting headache, I just wanted some silence! When Earl got home he set me free for the evening, which I greatly needed. So I took some advil and went to walmart and Jordanna's house for a visit. I felt refreshed for the day to come.
Today being day two I was at my exhaustion point. Davin was up till 1am, then again at 3:30am. Evan got me up at 4:30am for some reason that I was to groggy to remember nothing dire anyway, then he was awake again at 5:30am!!!! I needed a nap, which meant that Evan needed a nap, which he did. His little eyes where as black as night, so I set out the morning to force nap time. I didn't want a repeat of day one starting at 3pm so I struck a deal. I would play with him for 3 hours, then we would have lunch and make baby bottles (he likes to shack them), then we will have a nap together in Mommies bed. He agreed, he promised, I had some hope. We played happily all morning while I downed an entire pot of coffee. While we where making lunch/ bottles I reminded him of our deal. He still agreed, my heart exploded with hope. After lunch, the fight began. I simply put him in time out till he agreed to come quietly. I knew he needed a nap as much as I did, so yes I pushed it! I'm not ashamed! I'm rested! He was in time out for about 5 min when he decided it was funner to nap then to sit there. He slept for 2 hours, and so did I! whot,whot!!! If only Davin didn't wake up for a feeding I bet he would have slept longer. Oh well, it made it so he was tired again by 9pm for bed time (7pm with no nap). As for the 3pm crazies? Not there!!! But I did get my headache...maybe its all the coffee? Or maybe I just need to make an afternoon pot.
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