The boys are asleep, earls in the garage, the house is quite, this rocks!!!!
I've come to conclusion that some times I'm just going to have to choose. Time for me or sleep!
Davin has now settled into some what of a night time schedule. His witchy hour has settled into a start of just after supper, around 6-7. He's awake and fussy till about 10pm. At this point he seems to sleep about 4-5 hours. Now, here in lies the choice. I can go to bed when he does and get 4-5 hours sleep, or I could do things for myself, listen to music (which I haven't been able to do in ages), blog, scrapbook, watch my shows etc. I think I have to find some balance. I have to know when my body is telling me, STOP STUPID GO TO BED!!! But sometimes its so hard to sleep when I want to do so many other things, things I don't really want to do when the kids are awake mostly because I would be distracted, or intrupted, which is worse then not doing it at all. I know I need more sleep, I'm grumpy and emotional lately. The baby blues are over, I know the cause of my ailment. I just simply need to sleep, but whats a mom to do? I just can't win right now. Here's hopeing things will improve with time. Some day I'll be able to put both kids to bed at the same time. Some day I'll have time for me, time for my husband!
Speaking of that. I have my docter's apointment on Tues Feb 2. It's the check, you know to let me know if I can start excering to lose the weight I gained, give me the okay to well you know. I'm finding that second part somewhat dreading. I simply have no interest!!!! I'm so not looking forward to having to, grrrr, I could just simply live without it right now. It just feels like something else I have to find time to do! Grrr like I don't have enoph, screw off, go away, don't touch me. What do you want? Those are my thoughts, how does one turn this around?
Well that's it for me ladies, have a good one.
Don't worry, Davin will start sleeping through the night soon enough!! You'll get there...
ReplyDeleteMaybe tell Earl the doctor said you're not ready lol...or maybe just tell him the truth? It's your body :)